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We believe in the absolute authority of the word of God and its ability to provide answers for everything we do in our doctrine and practice.

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
10/14/18 The Deity of Jesus - Divine Attributes of Jesus - Lesson 3 Marshall McDaniel The Deity of Jesus Sunday AM 2018_10_14_-_The_Deity_of_Jesus_-_Divine_Attributes_of_Jesus_-_Lesson_3_-_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
10/07/18 Christian Fundamentals - Leaving a lasting spiritual legacy Marshall McDaniel Christian Fundamentals Sunday AM 2018_10_07_-_Christian_Fundamentals_-_Leaving_a_lasting_spiritual_legacy_-_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
09/30/18 The Deity of Jesus - Divine Honors of Jesus - Lesson 2 Marshall McDaniel The Deity of Jesus Sunday AM 2018_09_30_-_The_Deity_of_Jesus_-_Divine_Honors_of_Jesus_-_Lesson_2_-_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
09/23/18 Christian Fundamentals - The Forgotten God Marshall McDaniel Christian Fundamentals Sunday AM 2018_09_23_-_Christian_Fundamentals_-_The_Forgotten_God_-_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
09/09/18 Jesus the I AM - Jesus in the Present Tense Introduction Marshall McDaniel Jesus the I AM Sunday AM 2018_09_09_-_Jesus_the_I_AM_-_Jesus_in_the_Present_Tense_Introduction_-_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
09/02/18 Chrisitian Fundamentals - God always keeps his promises Marshall McDaniel Christian Fundamentals Sunday AM 2018_09_02_-_Chrisitian_Fundamentals_-_God_always_keeps_his_promises_-_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
08/26/18 Christian Fundamentals - God does not discriminate Marshall McDaniel Christian Fundamentals Sunday AM 2018_08_26_-_Christian_Fundamentals_-_God_does_not_discriminate_-_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
08/19/18 Christian Fundamentals - Finding Joy in the Man of Sorrows Marshall McDaniel Christian Fundamentals Sunday AM 2018_08_19_-_Christian_Fundamentals_-_Finding_Joy_in_the_Man_of_Sorrows_-_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
08/05/18 The Resurrection - The Outcome of your Faith Nick Soyars The Resurrection Sunday PM 2018_08_05_-_The_Resurrection_-_The_Outcome_of_your_Faith_-_Nick_Soyars.mp3
07/29/18 The Resurrection - Born again to a living hope Brad Hopkins The Resurrection Sunday PM 2018_07_29_-_The_Resurrection_-_Born_again_to_a_living_hope_-_Brad_Hopkins.mp3
07/29/18 Christian Fundamentals - The Lord is on our side - Psalm 24 Marshall McDaniel Christian Fundamentals Sunday AM 2018_07_29_-_Christian_Fundamentals_-_The_Lord_is_on_our_side_-_Psalm_24_-_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
07/22/18 The Resurrection - The Day that is to come Colton McDaniel The Resurrection Sunday PM 2018_07_22_-_The_Resurrection_-_The_Day_that_is_to_come_-_Colton_McDaniel.mp3
07/22/18 Christian Fundamentals - The Wisdom of God Marshall McDaniel Christian Fundamentals Sunday AM 2018_07_22_-_Christian_Fundamentals_-_The_Wisdom_of_God_-_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
07/15/18 Christian Fundamentals - Helping Others Ryan Petras Christian Fundamentals Sunday AM 2018_07_15_-_Christian_Fundamentals_-_Helping_Others_-_Ryan_Petras.mp3
07/15/18 The Resurrection - The Testimony of Peter and John Greg Bell The Resurrection Sunday PM 2018_07_15_-_The_Resurrection_-_The_Testimony_of_Peter_and_John_-_Greg_Bell.mp3
07/08/18 Christian Fundamentals - What does it mean to believe in Jesus - Luke 5 Lynn Huggins Christian Fundamentals Sunday AM 2018_07_08_-_Christian_Fundamentals_-_What_does_it_mean_to_believe_in_Jesus_-_Luke_5_-_Lynn_Huggins.mp3
07/08/18 The Resurrection - Eyewitness Testimony Lynn Huggins The Resurrection Sunday PM 2018_07_08_-_The_Resurrection_-_Eyewitness_Testimony_-_Lynn_Huggins.mp3
07/01/18 The Resurrection - The Physical Evidence Kraig Benney The Resurrection Sunday PM 2018_07_01_-_The_Resurrection_-_The_Physical_Evidence_-_Kraig_Benney.mp3
06/24/18 The Resurrection - The Old Testament witness to the resurrection Ryan Boyer The Resurrection Sunday PM 2018_06_24_-_The_Resurrection_-_The_Old_Testament_witness_to_the_resurrection_-_Ryan_Boyer.mp3
06/17/18 Christian Fundamentals - The Tragedy of Rebellion against God Marshall McDaniel Christian Fundamentals Sunday AM 2018_06_17_-_Christian_Fundamentals_-_The_Tragedy_of_Rebellion_against_God_-_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3

Displaying 101 - 120 of 257

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