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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
06/10/18 Acts - Gods plan to save all people Marshall McDaniel Sermon Christian Fundamentals Sunday AM 2018_06_10_-_Acts_-_Gods_plan_to_save_all_people_-_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
06/10/18 The Resurrection - What the world thinks of the resurrection Dustin Stanton Sermon The Resurrection Sunday PM 2018_06_10_-_The_Resurrection_-_What_the_world_thinks_of_the_resurrection_-_Dustin_Stanton.mp3
06/03/18 Christian Fundamentals - Religious Titles Marshall McDaniel Sermon Christian Fundamentals Sunday AM 2018_06_03_-_Christian_Fundamentals_-_Religious_Titles_-_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
06/03/18 The Resurrection - The Serpent and the Seed LA Stauffer Sermon The Resurrection Sunday PM 2018_06_03_-_The_Resurrection_-_The_Serpent_and_the_Seed_-_LA_Stauffer.mp3
05/27/18 The Resurrection - The Power of the Resurrection Marshall McDaniel Sermon The Resurrection Sunday PM 2018_05_27_-_The_Resurrection_-_The_Power_of_the_Resurrection_-_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
05/27/18 Jesus Goes to Heaven - The Life of Christ (Lesson 10) Marshall McDaniel Bible Class The Life of Christ Sunday AM 2018_05_27_Jesus_Returns_to_Heaven_Life_of_Christ_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
05/23/18 Christ in the Old Testament - The Branch (Lesson 9) Marshall McDaniel Bible Class Christ in the Old Testament Wednesday 2018_05_24_Jesus_Branch_Christ_Old_Testament_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
05/20/18 Christian Fundamentals - Peters Sermon Acts 2 Marshall McDaniel Sermon The Book of Acts Sunday AM 2018_05_20_-_Christian_Fundamentals_-_Peters_Sermon_Acts_2_-_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
05/20/18 Worship and Assembly + Grace, Love, and Authority - Mind Your King (Lesson 12, Part 2 + Lesson 13) Marshall McDaniel Bible Class Mind Your King Sunday PM 2018_05_20_Worship_Part_2_Grace_Love_Authority_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
05/20/18 Jesus and Fun - The Life of Christ (Lesson 9) Marshall McDaniel Bible Class The Life of Christ Sunday AM 2018_05_20_Jesus_and_Fun_Life_of_Christ_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
05/16/18 Christ in the Old Testament - The Servant of God (Lesson 8) Marshall McDaniel Bible Class Christ in the Old Testament Wednesday 2018_05_18_Servant_Christ_in_the_Old_Testament_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
05/13/18 Worship and Assembly - Mind Your King (Lesson 12, Part 1) Marshall McDaniel Bible Class Mind Your King Sunday PM 2018_05_13_Worship_and_the_Assembly_Mind_Your_King_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3 2018_05_12_Ladies_Session_1_Our_Story_Jenny_Bronger-1526342853.mp3
05/12/18 Overcoming Sexual Sin for Women (Click here to access Parts 1-4.) Jenny Bronger Bible Class Overcoming Sexual Sin Other 2018_05_12_Ladies_Session_4_Building_for_the_Future_Jenny_Bronger.mp3 2018_05_12_Ladies_Session_3_Rebuilding_Gods_Way_Jenny_Bronger.mp3 2018_05_12_Ladies_Session_2_Is_This_My_Fault_Jenny_Bronger.mp3 2018_05_12_Ladies_Session_1_Our_Story_Jenny_Bronger.mp3
05/12/18 Overcoming Sexual Sin for Men (Click here to access Parts 1-4.) Dwayne Bronger Bible Class Overcoming Sexual Sin Other 2018_05_12_Mens_Session_4_Protecting_the_Next_Generation_Dwayne_Bronger.mp3 2018_05_12_Mens_Session_3_Redemption_and_Renewal_in_God_and_Family_Dwayne_Bronger.mp3 2018_05_12_Mens_Session_2_Addiction_and_the_Brain_Dwayne_Bronger.mp3 2018_05_12_Mens_Session_1_Our_Story_Dwayne_Bronger.mp3
05/09/18 Christ in the Old Testament - The Prophet (Lesson 7) Marshall McDaniel Bible Class Christ in the Old Testament Wednesday 2018_05_09_The_Prophet_Christ_in_the_Old_Testament_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
05/06/18 Christian Fundamentals - Preparing to Defend our Faith I Peter 3 Marshall McDaniel Sermon Christian Fundamentals Sunday AM 2018_05_06_-_Christian_Fundamentals_-_Preparing_to_Defend_our_Faih_I_Peter_3_-_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
04/29/18 Christian Fundamentals - Overcoming Sexual Sin Marshall McDaniel Sermon Christian Fundamentals Sunday AM 2018_04_29_-_Christian_Fundamentals_-_Overcoming_Sexual_Sin_-_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
04/29/18 How the Church Works - Mind Your King (Lesson 11, Part 2) Marshall McDaniel Bible Class Mind Your King Sunday PM 2018_04_29_How_the_Church_Works_Part_2_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
04/25/18 Christ in the Old Testament - The Day of Atonement + Jubilee (Lesson 4, Part 2 + Lesson 5) Marshall McDaniel Bible Class Christ in the Old Testament Wednesday 2018_04_25_Jubilee_Christ_in_the_Old_Testament_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3
04/22/18 Christian Fundamentals - How many times do you have to go to church Marshall McDaniel Sermon Christian Fundamentals Sunday AM 2018_04_22_-_Christian_Fundamentals_-_How_many_times_do_you_have_to_go_to_church_-_Marshall_McDaniel.mp3

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